Happy for a While (met audio)

When you left I didn't care
was sick of you, just couldn't bare
to stick with you forever, it's the last thing I would do

After you left I had some fun

spent my money, chased the fox on the run

Spent the best times I had ever

I felt relieved that we were through


But in a lonely night

I was the on who cried

'cause I heard you knocking on my door

I thought that you were gone forever


You returned when I had some fun

so I told you it was all over and done

But you said you'd make me happy

and you smiled in your special way


So we tried one night

but soon I cried:

at least you've made me happy for a while


I thought that you were gone forever

Happy for a while

I wished I wouldn't see you ever

You wanne make me happy? Do it the way like you once did before

So bye bye babe, I won't ask anything more


You say that you will always stay

so my last happy feelings I felt yesterday

but at least you've made me happy for a while


I thought that you were gone forever

Happy for a while

I wished I wouldn't see you ever

You wanne make me happy? Do it the way like you once did before

So bye bye babe, I won't ask anything more


Uitgevoerd door The Stag

Opgenomen in P.A. Recording Studio 4/5 november 1989

Drums - Ad Menke

Zang - Ben Vreeburg

Keyboards - Ton Beukelman

Basgitaar - Hans Tienhoven

Gitaar - Rein Menke

Achtergrondzang - Ton

Tekst en Muziek - Rein Menke

© Rein Menke - Alle rechten voorbehouden

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