Too Late (met audio)

Stop haunting me

Leave me alone


Silver bird, you blind my eyes

with your shiny skin

Reflections of those who've been delivered

and of those who've never been

The tide runs fast, some didn't last to see for what they've paid

'cause they're too late


Memories, please don't haunt me

while I want to celebrate

You make me dwell in those early days

when we all suffered from the chill of hate

Can't live in glee now that I'm free, the past will never rest

The tide runs fast, some didn't last to see for what they've paid

'cause they're too late

'cause they're too late


This pain is a reflection

and reflections never live

So why is this one living in my mind


Torn apart between two senses

Fear and pain when daylight fades

Happiness when we see a smile

but we'll always live with the ghosts we've made

Can't live in glee now that I'm free, the past will never rest

The tide runs fast, some didn't last to see for what they've paid

'cause they're too late



Uitgevoerd door The Stag

Opgenomen in P.A. Recording Studio 1991

Drums - Ad Menke

Zang - Ben Vreeburg

Keyboards - Ton Beukelman

Basgitaar - Hans Tienhoven

Gitaar - Rein Menke

Achtergrondzang - Ton en Hans

Tekst en Muziek - Rein Menke

© Rein Menke - Alle rechten voorbehouden

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