Springtime has come, the Earth thrives again
A sea of flowers, the air is full of scents
Peace reigns the woods, the mountains and the plains
All wounds are healed, relieved is all the pain
After the winter, after the storm
Life is the victor, cold turns into warmth
After the winter, the sun breaks through
But there won't be any place for me and you
The world was black, life was at an end
The captive sentenced, the rope was in our hands
We made the judgement, we wouldn't turn it back
Too late we realized the rope was 'round our necks
The mind is black, winter rules the heart
Mistakes have been made right from the start
The sun of common sense, extinguished in the cold
Wavers one more time as the death bell tolls
Uitgevoerd door The Stag
Opgenomen in P.A. Recording Studio 4/5 november 1989
Drums - Ad Menke
Zang - Ben Vreeburg
Keyboards - Ton Beukelman
Basgitaar - Hans Tienhoven
Gitaar - Rein Menke
Achtergrondzang - Ton. Hans
Tekst en Muziek - Rein Menke
© Rein Menke - Alle rechten voorbehouden
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