Alien Tune (met audio)

It seems so strange, the sun turns red and down it goes

The night's so bright, I've never seen a moon that close

I ain't no fool, don't get me wrong

Most things are different where I come from

They laugh at me and ask: 'Did you act in Dune?'

Maybe they'll understand me when I sing

this Alien Tune


You don't believe me when I say I fly a rocket, you know a thing that you call UFO

When I ask you to believe me when I tell you I can fly, you just say: 'No!'

I ain't no fool, don't get me wrong

Most things are different where I come from


I'm not the one you think I am

I've told you time and time again

So why are you surprised when I sing at noon

this Alien Tune


'This tune's so strange,' you say, 'it seems to come from outer space'

I'm glad you've started to believe me, I thought I really had to show my real face

I ain't no fool, don't get me wrong

Most things are different where I come from


I'm not the one you think I am

I've told you time and time again

I've fixed my thousand eyes on you

You read a thousand  times the truth

but still you say just like before: 'I can't take it no more!'

But this time it's war!


I'm not the one you think I am

I've told you time and time again

I'm not the one you think I am

So why are you surprised when I sing at noon

this Alien Tune



Uitgevoerd door The Stag Mk. 2

Live opgenomen in de oefenruimte in 1994

Drums - Ad Menke

Zang - Timo Boersen

Basgitaar - Hans Tienhoven

Gitaar - Rein Menke

Achtergrondzang - Rein, Alien

Tekst en Muziek - Rein Menke

© Rein Menke - Alle rechten voorbehouden


In één take opgenomen met een eenvoudig 4-sporen cassettedeck in de oefenruimte. De geluidskwaliteit is dus buitenaards (lees: belabberd).

Ik heb hem toch op de website gezet, met name omdat het drumwerk van Ad ook buitenaards is (lees: geweldig).

De robotachtige stem is Timo's stem, vervormd met een ringmodulator.

Wie beweert dat Aliens niet kunnen swingen?!?

De tekst is, in tegenstelling tot de meeste van mijn songteksten, niet zo serieus, zelfs best wel humoristisch.

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